Fall 2008




Gas prices take a severe drop and so do fall temperatures; how can you cope with the cold? DC metro fare takes a hike and Trojan visits American University campus.


DC Metro is enforcing random bag checks to keep riders safe, and Teach for America is recruiting AU students despite a decrease in number of applicants from the school in recent years. These and more stories on District Wire.


11.3.08 [Election]

The race for the White House is in its final stretch and polling centers are preparing for record turnout; and for American University students, casting a vote was never sweeter.


In Virginia, gas prices are at their lowest in more than a year; Circuit City becomes a victim of the financial crisis; and DC students recall the excitement of President-elect Barack Obama’s victory.


Black Friday is coming up, the biggest shopping day of the year, but will consumers open up their wallets during this economic slump? Police in DC crack down on jay walkers; and DC prepares to take advantage of the inauguration festivities.

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